Our Smart Parking Solutions are Extensive solutions for parking facility operations with customised parking & Space Management System.
When it comes to professional parking management, parking facility operators from North to South rely on DENLOBS's expertise. Because denlob guarantees profit-yielding parking facility management with its high-quality and long-lasting barriers and POS.
Thereby, denlob's technology is always attuned to your needs and geared towards the highest profitability and productivity. As an experienced provider of solutions, it is our pleasure to develop a unique concept for your individual parking facility management.
With denlob's solutions for your parking facility management, you will increase profits, reduce costs and improve your overview.
Our Parking Management System Offers different levels of Parking Access Management which suits all the market verticals, Below are some solutions what make denlob a unique from other parking management solutions provider in market.
Automated Pay Stations for Parking Meters, Parking Revenue Control, Pay and Display,
Pay by Space and more!
Automated Enforcement Solutions by Denlob's - TicketManager, License Plate Recognition and more! The key to parking enforcement is advanced technology.
Transit Ticketing for Commuter Rail, Light Rail, Heavy Rail, Bus Station, Transit Station and more!
Automated Fee Machine for National Parks, Regional Parks, Amusement Parks, Camping Fee Machine, Boat Launch and more! Our parks.
In the competitive world of retail, parking is an essential service to get right as a positive parking experience can draw in more customers, and have a huge impact on footfall and store takings.
Denlob's automatic rising Bollard is an electric-hydraulic-mechanically operated rising bollard system.The system can be quickly and easily operated. It is suitable for both security and access control applications.
This spike barrier or tyre bursters is specially designed & made of heavy duty steel, bolted to a solid steel rotating axis. Underground Solid welded steel frame is provided with drainage outlets.
Our high end Under Vehicle Scanning System solutions also have the feature of Automatic Foreign Object Detection (FOD) to detect any foreign object or modifications done on the chassis.
Denlob's UFID RFID applications are very effective in monitoring the movement of vehicles in toll gates or any entry or exit gates. Under this technology, the position of any rfid enabled vehicle can be tracked.
Smart parking systems aim to take the stress out of finding a parking space in city centers where it is estimated that up to 30% of all cars in the city are looking for parking spots at a given time.
With Denlob's connected smart parking, an app on your phone can alert you to available spaces and guide you to the exact location. This reduction in customer stress encourages positive consumer habits, leading to a more profitable business with happier customers.